Share Notifications
The 'share notification' feature allows you to share notifications with other individuals in your organisation so that they can view, update and submit notifications.
The 'share' and 'remove share' feature is available from the following views:
- 'in progress notifications' view
- 'notifications requiring more information' view
- 'submitted notifications' view
When sharing a notification, you will need to choose the level of access an individual should have by selecting one of the following roles:
- the Editor role can view and update the notification
- the Owner role can view and update the notification, submit the notification, delete in progress notifications, share notifications with other people and remove share access from individuals
When you share a notification an email alert is issued to all notification owners and to the newly added individual. This will include the reference number of the notification and the email address of the individual who is having access granted.
To share a notification:
- you must hold owner role access to the notification. The person that created the notification automatically holds owner role access
- the individual you are sharing the notification with must already have an account with the national security and investment notification service
- the individual you are sharing the notification with must be in the same organisation as you. This means that the email address registered to their account must have the same domain name as your email address